Continuing a Legacy in the Upper Colorado Region
The western United States has experienced drought for many years. In fact, 2018 has been one of the worst drought years on record. With population levels estimated to double and even triple by 2050 in some western states, water supply issues continue to be a major concern. Reclamation’s Upper Colorado Region has long dealt with […]
Maintaining the West’s Oldest Retail Water Provider
Many of our nation’s public utilities face the challenge of adaptability. Aging infrastructure, increases in storm intensity, and the need to ensure a ready workforce are hurdles utility managers have to overcome to provide reliable services. Salt Lake City, Utah, deals with each of these challenges as it provides water, wastewater, and storm water services […]
Mark Doneux of Capitol Region Watershed District
In October 2017, the Water Environment Federation’s (WEF) National MS4 Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Awards program recognized the Capitol Region Watershed District (CRWD), located in St. Paul, Minnesota, as the overall best score winners of the Phase II division. With its commitment to creating collaborative partnerships throughout the community, drive to collect and reuse storm […]